Chemistry is the study of everything material. What we eat, wear, drive, build and listen to is all affected by Chemistry.
You will gain a challenging and fascinating insight into the building blocks of our planet. Starting with the structure of atoms and how they bond together, the course covers many aspects of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. The practical aspects of the course will develop your analytical skills using a range of chemicals and high-precision equipment.
Physical Chemistry (atomic structure, amounts of substances, bonding, energetics, kinetics, chemical equilibria and Le Chatelier’s Principle).
Inorganic Chemistry (periodicity, Group 2 Alkaline Earth Metals, Group 7(17) The Halogens).
Organic Chemistry (alkanes, halogenoalkanes, alkenes, alcohols, organic analysis).
Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics, rate equations, equilibrium constant for homogenous systems, electrode potentials and electrochemical cells).
Inorganic Chemistry (properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides, transition metals, reactions of ions in aqueous solution).
Organic Chemistry (optical isomerism, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and derivatives, aromatic chemistry, amines, polymers, amino acids, proteins and DNA, organic synthesis, NMR spectroscopy, chromatography).
Grade 6 in Chemistry/ 6-6 Combined Science. Grade 4 in Maths.
Candidates at A level who achieve a grade E or above have the above requirements, plus a grade 6 in at least 2-3 more related subjects at GCSE.
You must have 5 qualifications at level 2 at grade 4/pass or above.
Ideally you will have a grade 4 in Maths.
You must have 5 qualifications at level 2 at grade 4/pass or above.
A Level
Time management | |
Team working | |
Organisation | |
Listening | |
Communication | |
Numeracy | |
Research |
As with Physics and Biology, Chemistry is taught as a linear course that is assessed by examinations in June at the end of Year 13.
Paper 1: Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, including relevant practical skills.
Examination – 2 hours
35% of the overall A Level Marks
Paper 2: Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, including relevant practical skills.
Examination – 2 hours 35% of the overall A Level Marks
Paper 3: Any content and any practical skills.
Examination – 2 hours 30% of the overall A Level marks
Paper 3: Topics 1 – 8, including relevant practical skills, critical analysis of given experimental data and one essay question. Examination – 2 hours 30% of the overall A Level Marks
You will develop excellent practical and problem solving skills and the course will prepare you for a wide range of degree courses and careers in Science.
Chemistry is highly regarded and considered a ‘facilitating subject’ for the top universities in the country, regardless of the degree that you wish to study. It provides an excellent grounding for those wishing to progress onto Law and other traditional ‘humanities’ subjects but also for Medicine and Veterinary Science as well as Business or Management.
Chemistry is a good choice for students looking to progress into careers involving Health, Research or Industry. These may include professions such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Education, Forensic Science, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Research and Development.